Music is a very vital part of services at St. Mary's. It, along with the sermon, can interpret the liturgical theme of the Sunday and add much joy and "food for thought" for the congregation.
Adult Choir
1. The choir enhances worship through music.
2. The choir's mission is to sing a variety of anthems from a variety of musical periods, languages and themes.
3. The group enjoys working on challenging music, but there is also a delightful social environment.
4. Rehearsals are on Thursday at 7:30 in Edwards Hall. Anyone interested in joining the choir can contact the church or Jeannie Young at 372-5191.
Children's Choir
1. The children's choir sings four times a year- Homecoming, Lent, Easter and Pentecost.
2. Rehearsals are usually held after the 10:00 service, the three Sundays before the performance date.
3. The children's only requirements are to be able to read and enjoy singing.
4. Contact Jeannie Young at 372-5191 if your child would like to be part of this choir.