We remember those who have been commended to our prayers, especially, Sheila Billich, Lee Alsono, Pat Aversano, Andres, Carolyn Black, Marilyn Cable, Patricia Casteneda, Juergen Duebener, Lisa Dunkel, Miriam Edwards, Ernie, Helga Garske, Stacie Gossard, Bob Hickcox, Charlie Howell, Jean, Cheryl King, Jakob Kolpaczyk, Mary, Teresa Matsui, Melody, the men of Pod K-16 in the Monterey County Jail, Marion Philips, Danny Ramos, Michael Richwald, Lois Rockefeller, Gail Ryan, Ray Tovey, Mari West.
For those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, especially: Steve Duvernois, George Coleman, Stephen Covell.
We remember of the anniversary of his death: Edward Mathys, Hildegarde Mitchell. Grant them, O Lord, eternal rest.
The flowers at the Memorial Altar are given to the Glory of God by the Rev. Dwight and Rosi Edwards in honor of Betty Finlay and in celebration of her 100th birthday last week.